Well I had a very interesting couple of weeks I can tell you. It involved at least three visits to the hospital lol and also a car door, scan, day care, physio and more lol
Firstly I had my physio which went well and they gave me some crutches thank goodness to help take the weight off my pelvis. This took a bit of getting used to and also had to get passed the embarrassment of everyone staring at me and looking sorry for me as I must look a bit funny what with the bump sticking out too lol
The next day I had another scan and saw my little man who had put some weight on now and looked like a proper baby now instead of a skeleton or alien hehe! He kept sucking his lips which was quite sweet and was still a fidget bottom hehe!
His weight is perfect apparently but they want to keep an eye on him as the umbilical cord was behind his head. I suppose this is to make sure it does not tangle him up. I got stuck on the scan bed which happens a lot lately lol so they sent me to the day care unit in which i was offered some stronger pain relief and some quick tests to check I was ok :0)
The next day I had a lovely morning with my mum, we went for breaky mmmmm! then we went looking in the shops and ordered little man a new bed as he's been on a mattress on the floor since we moved in lol bless him. Once me and mum got home in a taxi I was holding my crutches in one hand and shutting the door with my other one when my mum shut hers at same time which meant my poor fingers got trapped in the door argh! lol I screamed like a baby hehe! and went to yank my hand out but it was actually stuck in the door lol My mum had to open the door for me and as i pulled the fingers out one of them just exploded with blood yuck! argh! it was all bent and swelled up so we asked the taxi driver to take us to A&E which he refused I cannot believe it! He said I should get an ambulance lol what for a broken finger I think not! I'd probably get told off for wasting their time lol But no he still refused to take us even though we had covered the hand up by this point. I think he was probably scared of getting blood on his seats or something.
Any how a very kind friend turned up and took us over to A&E in which we waited three hours to get seen as it must have been a day for leg and finger emergencies hehe! I got some rather strange looks as you can imagine looked quite funny with my bump, crutches and hurt hand lol
They x-rayed the fingers and to my utter shock my fingers we rent broken! NOT BROKEN! wow! It must have been a miracle as I fail to understand how they could have been shut completely in the door without being broken lol I'm glad they weren't as I wouldn't have been able to use the crutches for ages lol then where would I be hehe! I dread to think lol But hey a few days later and my hand felt much better.
Little man also was off school with chesty cough this week bless him but it's funny how kids suddenly feel much better once the afternoon comes lol
Big man working hard as usual bless him! Missed him like mad these past few weeks for some strange reason hehe! We are planning to do the birth plan and other things next week plus we are getting married in three weeks argh! so much to do lol. We only having a little one this year then having bigger blessing next year when things have calmed down but we are very excited to be finally getting married. wahoo!
Bye for now! :0)
9 May 2009
27 April 2009
It's been nearly a month!
Hi there! 28 weeks pregnant tomorrow! wahoo!
I have just realised it has been nearly a month since I last wrote a post on here. This has been partly due to the Easter Holidays and having little man at home for two weeks but also due to some problems with the pregnancy. The baby is doing great at the moment and is still very active kicking around in there but my body has taken a bit of a bashing as I am suffering with SPD (sound like one of the SPD power rangers as little man has told me lol) Symphasis Pubis dysfunction and Sciatica on top of that (ouch!)
It seems to be getting worse as the days go by but I refuse to let it put a downer on me as all in all I feel quite alright within my mind etc...(except the short temper lol) Bedtimes are bit of a nightmare as I get stuck if I role on to my back or try to get up without doing it the right way. My other half when he is at home and not at work has to basically lift me up and turn me as my legs completely stop working and you can here the bones in my lower back and pelvis grinding ouch! lol It also feels like someone has kicked me in the front area as it feels very bruised. I also get stuck if i sit back on the sofa, sit for to long or if I stand for too long my legs start to give way.
Not much going for my body at the moment eh? lol I must say that I am not the thinnest of people and I do carry some weight without the baby being there but seeing as I cannot walk very far at the moment does not look like I have much chance of loosing any lol
Apart from this though I have had the pleasure of having little man at home recently for the Easter hols and I really missed him when he went back to school lol (I know I hear the "she must be mad!" statements lol)
Other half has become increasingly lovable the last couple of weeks, giving me lots of cuddles and trying so hard to be patient with me when I'm moaning about something silly such as "why can't boy's just put the toilet seat down" lol
I seem to have the knack of moaning greatly about anything and everything lately and only realising what I am saying about a day later lol I don't mean to moan but everything just seems to annoy me lately lol
I also have this tendency to forget things like names, simple words and even forgot to give little man his medication the other day and that is not like me at all! I felt a right useless thing then lol
Some people have said that it's due to the pregnancy and I have to agree with those who say that you must lose brain cells during pregnancy because mine have definitely decreased lol
Any way since I did say I would write back every other day when I started this blog I feel it necessary to change that plan to perhaps once a week as who knows what's going to happen between now and the next post hehe!
Having another scan this week plus my first session of physio. Also little man has another assessment for his suspected autism and he is doing his SATS this week bless him. (Cant help but feel he is just too young for all the work he has to do) but hey! can't change the school system single hand idly lol
Bye for now! :0)
I have just realised it has been nearly a month since I last wrote a post on here. This has been partly due to the Easter Holidays and having little man at home for two weeks but also due to some problems with the pregnancy. The baby is doing great at the moment and is still very active kicking around in there but my body has taken a bit of a bashing as I am suffering with SPD (sound like one of the SPD power rangers as little man has told me lol) Symphasis Pubis dysfunction and Sciatica on top of that (ouch!)
It seems to be getting worse as the days go by but I refuse to let it put a downer on me as all in all I feel quite alright within my mind etc...(except the short temper lol) Bedtimes are bit of a nightmare as I get stuck if I role on to my back or try to get up without doing it the right way. My other half when he is at home and not at work has to basically lift me up and turn me as my legs completely stop working and you can here the bones in my lower back and pelvis grinding ouch! lol It also feels like someone has kicked me in the front area as it feels very bruised. I also get stuck if i sit back on the sofa, sit for to long or if I stand for too long my legs start to give way.
Not much going for my body at the moment eh? lol I must say that I am not the thinnest of people and I do carry some weight without the baby being there but seeing as I cannot walk very far at the moment does not look like I have much chance of loosing any lol
Apart from this though I have had the pleasure of having little man at home recently for the Easter hols and I really missed him when he went back to school lol (I know I hear the "she must be mad!" statements lol)
Other half has become increasingly lovable the last couple of weeks, giving me lots of cuddles and trying so hard to be patient with me when I'm moaning about something silly such as "why can't boy's just put the toilet seat down" lol
I seem to have the knack of moaning greatly about anything and everything lately and only realising what I am saying about a day later lol I don't mean to moan but everything just seems to annoy me lately lol
I also have this tendency to forget things like names, simple words and even forgot to give little man his medication the other day and that is not like me at all! I felt a right useless thing then lol
Some people have said that it's due to the pregnancy and I have to agree with those who say that you must lose brain cells during pregnancy because mine have definitely decreased lol
Any way since I did say I would write back every other day when I started this blog I feel it necessary to change that plan to perhaps once a week as who knows what's going to happen between now and the next post hehe!
Having another scan this week plus my first session of physio. Also little man has another assessment for his suspected autism and he is doing his SATS this week bless him. (Cant help but feel he is just too young for all the work he has to do) but hey! can't change the school system single hand idly lol
Bye for now! :0)
3 April 2009
Hi everyone!
Anyhow he looked sweet and the pics we got were fantastic (got 4 because two different people scanned me in the end hehe!)
Here are some of the pics!
Had my 3rd scan yesterday! :0) It's still a boy! lol
They had to check the heart and face as they could not see it well the last time. It took them an hour to get it and also in between this they made me eat chocolate to get the baby to move into another position which to be quite fair I wasn't to happy about the idea of him moving anymore that day as the little boxer had been keeping me up all night punching away lol 3am I last looked at the clock lol
Anyhow he looked sweet and the pics we got were fantastic (got 4 because two different people scanned me in the end hehe!)
Here are some of the pics!
You can even see part of his brain on the first couple! Amazing!
This is my bump at 24 weeks old!
My friend who loves designing things made this pic for me as I kept talking about the little bump being such a boxer! I thought this was hilarious!
Thanks Dean!
Anyhow very excited now and the baby's nursery is filling up fast already lol Think I might need to invest in another wardrobe for him but seeing as the room is quite small I'm not sure where I would put it lol
My little man found out he's got into the Junior school he wanted so he's really excited and keeps going on about it bless him! Keep telling him he's got so much to happen before he goes but he seems to think it's next week i'm sure lol
Looking forward to all the Easter events coming up and spending time with little man for two whole weeks wahoo!
30 March 2009
I'm Back! :0)
Hi there! Have not posted for a week as had to have a rest from all the work I've been doing and had some early nights too as been very worn out from the pregnancy and also chilled out by my fave therapeutic activity of designing.
I designed some art work for the baby nursery as times are hard hehe! and thought it could save some pennies on the decor hehe! Had a great time doing it and little man even helped! Here are some of the pics!
I designed some art work for the baby nursery as times are hard hehe! and thought it could save some pennies on the decor hehe! Had a great time doing it and little man even helped! Here are some of the pics!
Think they look alright and I have also done some jungle ones for the other wall which have not taken a picture of yet.
Looking forward to my next scan (3rd one!) on Thurs as will get another piccy hopefully and me and the other half decided on a boys name at last but will keep it to our selves for as long as we can hehe!
Planning lots of things to do with little man during Easter hols next week! There so much on I don't know if I will be able to keep up lol
Well that's it for now as it's getting late and the bump is kicking like mad for me to lay down lol
Night night! :0)
23 March 2009
A mix of double glazing, scary dentist etc...
I awoke this morning with another of my raging tooth aches. What with being preggers paracetamol does not do the trick so was left fearing another dental fright at the emergency service coming my way! Have been trying to get a dentist for quite some time and am on a waiting list at the moment.
Last week I visited the emergency dentist at QEQM which without putting anyone off a very scary experience. Apart from the pain I experienced the rudeness of the dentist made me upset what with the pregnancy hormones and adrenaline from the numbing injection! He moaned at me for not having a dentist when I am 5months pregnant. I felt like the most irresponsible mother ever grrr! Could still feel the pain even whilst I had to wait in the waiting room whilst they saw three more people and I thought I was going to swallow my tongue where I could not feel it. lol Obviously you can't actually swallow your tongue like that but that did not stop me panicking and when I started to cry the nurse came up to me and asked me if it was the hormones argh! couldn't believe it! Then she passed me a huge box of tissues and said I might need them for a while lol
Anyhow he called me back in then he tried to clean up my broken tooth which as he started still felt pain full and had to stop so he just gave me a temporary filling and some antibiotics.
After 7 days of taking the antibiotics the pain was still there so this morning after phoning around managed to get an appointment at the Newington dental practice which thankfully went much better and she managed to do more with the tooth this time. Any how need root canal treatment which will have to wait now till the bump has been delivered lol Looks like I need to get the paracetamol in stock lol (Midwife has said this won't cause baby problems!)
In between all this the double glazing people turned up today and started the windows Wahoo!
Was sitting doing work on the comp and saw bits of windows flying past me outside lol Had to wear my dressing gown too because the front door was open all day and the window was obviously open all day lol Good job they finished before the rain came hehe!
Little man was picked up by Grandma and Grandpa after school so it meant I got a rest after the dental scare plus did not have to do the tea wahoo! lol
Last week I visited the emergency dentist at QEQM which without putting anyone off a very scary experience. Apart from the pain I experienced the rudeness of the dentist made me upset what with the pregnancy hormones and adrenaline from the numbing injection! He moaned at me for not having a dentist when I am 5months pregnant. I felt like the most irresponsible mother ever grrr! Could still feel the pain even whilst I had to wait in the waiting room whilst they saw three more people and I thought I was going to swallow my tongue where I could not feel it. lol Obviously you can't actually swallow your tongue like that but that did not stop me panicking and when I started to cry the nurse came up to me and asked me if it was the hormones argh! couldn't believe it! Then she passed me a huge box of tissues and said I might need them for a while lol
Anyhow he called me back in then he tried to clean up my broken tooth which as he started still felt pain full and had to stop so he just gave me a temporary filling and some antibiotics.
After 7 days of taking the antibiotics the pain was still there so this morning after phoning around managed to get an appointment at the Newington dental practice which thankfully went much better and she managed to do more with the tooth this time. Any how need root canal treatment which will have to wait now till the bump has been delivered lol Looks like I need to get the paracetamol in stock lol (Midwife has said this won't cause baby problems!)
In between all this the double glazing people turned up today and started the windows Wahoo!
Was sitting doing work on the comp and saw bits of windows flying past me outside lol Had to wear my dressing gown too because the front door was open all day and the window was obviously open all day lol Good job they finished before the rain came hehe!
Little man was picked up by Grandma and Grandpa after school so it meant I got a rest after the dental scare plus did not have to do the tea wahoo! lol
double glazing,
emergency dentist,
22 March 2009
Happy mums Day! - Funny mum song
Happy mothers day to all!
I woke up this morning to hear daddy getting little man up by saying quick its mummys day today remember weve gotto go downstairs quick! Lol
I then get a coffee in bed and as I stagger down the stairs still trying to wake up I realise I have not put my contacts in so grab the glasses.
Little man passes me some lovely flowers and a card he's made me from school plus a big box of choccies and a card from big man telling me he thinks I am a great mum and he could not wish for a better person to be his children's mum. AWWWWWW! Bless (what a creep hehe!) It was lovely though and very nice to feel appreciated!
Got ready and said goodbye to big man as he had worked last night and needed sleep so me and little man were going to church by ourselves. The minibus picked us up and it was full of lots of mummy's and kiddies lovely!
Got to church and they did a great mothers day for us!
First we did a bit of worship singing with the band.
They they showed us a small video on the cinema screen (Our church is held at the Vue Cinema at present.) The video was of the glo kids(Sunday school type group) They all said things about why they loved their mums and it was so cute. Little man snuggled up with me which was lovely. next they talked about mums from the bible and how we should honour our mums etc...
The band then sang a song called 'you are so beautiful to me' for all us mummy's which was fab.
It was a lovely special mummy service!
Before it finished they showed us a great video clip of a mum singing this fab song about being a mum! Which I thought I would share with you all why mums our special!(Dads are too, but they will have to wait till June for their day hehe!)
Mom song!
Do take a look at this clip as it really is a good one!
Off to my mums now to cook a roast for when she gets back from work!
To all the mums/lady carers in Thanet hope you have a fab day! :0)

I woke up this morning to hear daddy getting little man up by saying quick its mummys day today remember weve gotto go downstairs quick! Lol
I then get a coffee in bed and as I stagger down the stairs still trying to wake up I realise I have not put my contacts in so grab the glasses.
Little man passes me some lovely flowers and a card he's made me from school plus a big box of choccies and a card from big man telling me he thinks I am a great mum and he could not wish for a better person to be his children's mum. AWWWWWW! Bless (what a creep hehe!) It was lovely though and very nice to feel appreciated!
Got ready and said goodbye to big man as he had worked last night and needed sleep so me and little man were going to church by ourselves. The minibus picked us up and it was full of lots of mummy's and kiddies lovely!
Got to church and they did a great mothers day for us!
First we did a bit of worship singing with the band.
They they showed us a small video on the cinema screen (Our church is held at the Vue Cinema at present.) The video was of the glo kids(Sunday school type group) They all said things about why they loved their mums and it was so cute. Little man snuggled up with me which was lovely. next they talked about mums from the bible and how we should honour our mums etc...
The band then sang a song called 'you are so beautiful to me' for all us mummy's which was fab.
It was a lovely special mummy service!
Before it finished they showed us a great video clip of a mum singing this fab song about being a mum! Which I thought I would share with you all why mums our special!(Dads are too, but they will have to wait till June for their day hehe!)
Mom song!
Do take a look at this clip as it really is a good one!
Off to my mums now to cook a roast for when she gets back from work!
To all the mums/lady carers in Thanet hope you have a fab day! :0)
honour our mum's,
mother day,
20 March 2009
Lawson's Circus Treat




Ok so after the scan Daddy decides we should take little man to the circus as a treat so we get a taxi up to Tesco Manston and because we are early we decide to go have a look at boy stuff. I found a cute outfit for an early baby (just in case) and after a few nags Daddy lets me buy it lol He always gives me that look of oh alright anything to stop the nagging! lol
Me and little man get excited hehe!
After that we run (well I waddled more!) to to the circus tent over the road and run past loads of people as we already had tickets and wanted to get to the front! lol (wish we hadn't now but tell you why later!)
Got settled and then came the can i have? can i have? from little man lol managed to a deal where he got one toy and popcorn instead of having 10 different light showy things.
Then the show begins.
Very good show, the acts were very good and the 16year old lad was fab at juggling especially the fire balls which at one point thought might end up in my face lol
The clown act was halarious and even had me n Daddy in stitches. Little man laughed the whole way through.
Must admit me and daddy had words about the half naked women that were in the acts lol. I mean its a family show and they insist in doing flips and twists with half their bottom hanging out lol
My man sat there (probably too scared to look in that direction in case I caught him accidentally taking a good look lol)
Apart from that it was a very good show and is the second time now that we have taken little man.
Little bump seemed to go nuts with all the vibrations of the music and drums lol
A great evening for the family!!!
Oh yes the reason I wished we had not sat at the front is the excessive amount of water that came our way lol. There was a small water pistol involved, a larger pistol, a huge pistol and an even bigger one that I quite honestly have not seen such a big one in all my life. I'm sure little man will be wanting one for his next birthday lol
It's a Baby........................????!!!
Well went to the scan yesterday along with the daddy and our boy. Got to the waiting room and waited watching more and more pregnant bellies walk in hehe! Mine seems to be much fatter than every one Else's and I am not sure that's a good thing lol Must start watching what I eat again!
Got in to the room and laid in the bed which had a screen opposite it on the wall. the boys sat in chairs at the side of the room looking up patiently whilst the lady rubbed gel all over my belly and then there it was the alien looking skeleton from the last scan but now it looked more like a real baby and its face looked quite cute hehe.
The woman checked all its bits and peices but because it was fidgeting (which I have all ready worked out that its a fidget bottom from all the kicks i get) they could not get a good look at its heart and face so they told me I get to have the privilege of an extra scan in 2 weeks hehe! Wahoo more pics! I dont mind!
Then came the bit where she asks if we wanted to find out what it was........
Daddy looked at me I looked at him Little man looked at me I looked him lol Then there it came..
"It looks like there is a winkle!" Haha!
Ok so I was really hoping for a girl this time and must admit I had a bit of a stomp around afterwards which was when I should have been celebrating the fact that he was healthy, but it didn't take long before I came round and now thinking about it I am quite excited. I'm used to boys, have loads of boys in the family so hand me downs will always be in good supply and Little man will enjoy teaching the baby things like picking its nose and the other usual boy stuff lol So looks like we are all happy. Daddy looked very chuffed with himself for producing a boy and at least now I can go shopping shopping shopping hehe! Must start thinking about boy names as we had chosen a girls name easily but still not came close to a decision about a boys. Any ideas do let me know hehe!
Will let you know about the next scan in couple of weeks. :0)
Got in to the room and laid in the bed which had a screen opposite it on the wall. the boys sat in chairs at the side of the room looking up patiently whilst the lady rubbed gel all over my belly and then there it was the alien looking skeleton from the last scan but now it looked more like a real baby and its face looked quite cute hehe.
The woman checked all its bits and peices but because it was fidgeting (which I have all ready worked out that its a fidget bottom from all the kicks i get) they could not get a good look at its heart and face so they told me I get to have the privilege of an extra scan in 2 weeks hehe! Wahoo more pics! I dont mind!
Then came the bit where she asks if we wanted to find out what it was........
Daddy looked at me I looked at him Little man looked at me I looked him lol Then there it came..
"It looks like there is a winkle!" Haha!
Ok so I was really hoping for a girl this time and must admit I had a bit of a stomp around afterwards which was when I should have been celebrating the fact that he was healthy, but it didn't take long before I came round and now thinking about it I am quite excited. I'm used to boys, have loads of boys in the family so hand me downs will always be in good supply and Little man will enjoy teaching the baby things like picking its nose and the other usual boy stuff lol So looks like we are all happy. Daddy looked very chuffed with himself for producing a boy and at least now I can go shopping shopping shopping hehe! Must start thinking about boy names as we had chosen a girls name easily but still not came close to a decision about a boys. Any ideas do let me know hehe!
Will let you know about the next scan in couple of weeks. :0)
18 March 2009
How big's the baby at 21 weeks?
Well today has been quite a long one what with the school run, working in office, cousin and their baby round.
Just turned on computer because little mans being put to bed by daddy tonight and saw a new widget thing to add to this blog. Its a 3D baby with days left to birth. (cool and cute!) made it pink for now as I am hoping it will be a girl this time (hope hope hoping! lol) We find out tomorrow and I cannot wait!
When my other half saw the pic he asked how big it is and seeing as I had no idea thought I would look it up on one of the baby sites. Whilst I did this he went off in search of his metal tape measure lol
My son comes bounding over to me and starts picking up random objects asking "is it this big mum?" (holding up a cup, a phone, and a remote control) and me replying "I don't know! let me find out lol"
Eventually I find something related to 21 weeks pregnant from the baby centre website which I have linked to this post for other 21 week mums to be.
Apparently at 21 weeks the baby measures approximately 27cm from crown (Head) to toes!
Wow no wonder I have been feeling prods from one side of the belly to the other lol Kept thinking I had three in there. (which I assure you I have not!) :0)
Daddy to be got the measuring tape out, measured at 27cm he spread it across my rock hard (suddenly today for some strange reason!) belly insisting that I must be wrong until he read it on the website lol (Can I never be right? enters my mind!) lol
Anyhow that's enough for now little man has got to go beddy byes and I have work to get on with as usual lol (While big man plays golf) - on the PlayStation lol Its his night off tonight so sure we will snuggle at some point lol
Will hopefully write back on here once I have had the second scan tomorrow! Will leave this post asking -
Is it a Boy or is it a Girl? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
Just turned on computer because little mans being put to bed by daddy tonight and saw a new widget thing to add to this blog. Its a 3D baby with days left to birth. (cool and cute!) made it pink for now as I am hoping it will be a girl this time (hope hope hoping! lol) We find out tomorrow and I cannot wait!
When my other half saw the pic he asked how big it is and seeing as I had no idea thought I would look it up on one of the baby sites. Whilst I did this he went off in search of his metal tape measure lol
My son comes bounding over to me and starts picking up random objects asking "is it this big mum?" (holding up a cup, a phone, and a remote control) and me replying "I don't know! let me find out lol"
Eventually I find something related to 21 weeks pregnant from the baby centre website which I have linked to this post for other 21 week mums to be.
Apparently at 21 weeks the baby measures approximately 27cm from crown (Head) to toes!
Wow no wonder I have been feeling prods from one side of the belly to the other lol Kept thinking I had three in there. (which I assure you I have not!) :0)
Daddy to be got the measuring tape out, measured at 27cm he spread it across my rock hard (suddenly today for some strange reason!) belly insisting that I must be wrong until he read it on the website lol (Can I never be right? enters my mind!) lol
Anyhow that's enough for now little man has got to go beddy byes and I have work to get on with as usual lol (While big man plays golf) - on the PlayStation lol Its his night off tonight so sure we will snuggle at some point lol
Will hopefully write back on here once I have had the second scan tomorrow! Will leave this post asking -
Is it a Boy or is it a Girl? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
My first mama post!
This is my first post and hopefully not my last lol
I am going to write about my day etc... on a daily basis (well ok if im honest probably not every day but every few days maybe if I get the time lol)
Going to write about it all, everything that enters my mind when writing so it might end up being a bit of a waffle hehe!
There will probably be quite a lot of talk about being pregnant at first as I am 5 and a half months preggers!
Plus I have a son who's nearly 7years old who I love dearly and will probably be talked about a lot on here lol.
I spend a lot of time volunteering and attend church (realy cool one!) reguarly with my family plus love to spend time with friends and family especially BBQ's in the summer.
I love to chat about anything and everything so if you fancy reading a mums random eventfull life on blog then do come back from time to time hehe! :0)
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